95 Oxford Street, Cambridge Park, Penrith, NSW 2747

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(02) 4731 4655

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 A.M - 5:00 PM Sat: 9:00 A.M - 2:00 P.M

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Your perfect smile is a click away!

95 Oxford Street, Cambridge Park, Penrith, NSW 2747

Call Us

(02) 4731 4655

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 A.M - 5:00 PM Sat: 9:00 A.M - 2:00 P.M

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Your perfect smile is a click away!


It is important to look after you dental crown and bridge well to make them last!

This information is useful for anyone who has or about to have crown and bridge done for their teeth.
For Dentist to make a good dental crown and bridge for you, your gum must be healthy.
Practice good oral hygiene as it is essential.  First you should brush teeth 2 times daily after breakfast and before bedtime.  Tooth brushing with extra attention around the margins (where the gum meets the tooth).  Secondly you should flossing before bed time daily.  If you have crowns that join together (= bridge) you should clean under and in between crowns daily with a Water Pik

Before crown and bridge visit:

Use Savacol mouth wash, from Chemist or supermarket, gargle the mouth wash for 1 minute, 3 times per day for 5 days before the crown preparation and before the crown issue appointment.
Temporary crown(s): are only supposed to be there for a few weeks, as a temporary restoration while the permanent one is being made.  It is not as nice and not as strong as the permanent one.  You must avoid eating on that temporary crown, but must brush it well, where teeth meet the gum, to keep your gum healthy. If temporary crowns join together, you should use: Water Pik (water flosser) to clean under and in between the crowns.

Look After the Dental Crown and Bridge

Proper dental crown and bridge aftercare will help them last many years. The crown(s) itself does not get decay; however the tooth which the crown(s) sit on can get decay and gum disease.
Regular examinations play a vital role in maintaining optimal dental health and allows is to manage problems in their early stages. We recommend that you come and see us for a check up and clean every 6 months.

Our warranties of on all crown and bridges are three years (excludes trauma). This only applies if you are come in every 6 months to get your teeth check and clean.

You may also need to wear an occlusal splint.  This is to protect you from grinding your teeth while sleeping.

Botox injection treatment for your TMJ will help.  This muscle relaxant injection will weaken the jaw.  This in turn will stop  you from breaking your teeth and the restorations.

We are providing Smile Makeover for patients in Penrith and surrounding areas including Cambridge Park, Claremont Meadows , Cranebrook, Glenmore Park and Jordan Springs…
Call us today on 02 4731 4655 for an appointment.
Dr Nathan Le offer this same service at Kempsey Dental Centre.

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